You are where you eat.
Here is this week’s 1% MORE—4 short prompts using Mind over Tech’s M.O.R.E framework to trigger tiny improvements to your digital habits.
This week's theme is: 🧡 Wellbeing
Mindsets and habits to maintain physical and mental wellbeing in your digital life.
a trigger to inspire motivation
Author, poet and Zen master Thích Nhất Hạnh on how to eat:
“You can arrange your schedule so you have enough time to eat. The place and the food should be appropriate. Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are. Tell me where you eat, and I will tell you who you are…”
Source: How to Eat
an approach to gather data
Be curious about your circumstances each time you eat—whether it’s a snack or a meal.
To what extent is technology present and involved?
a prompt to inspire change
Consider the circumstances and nature of your various meals.
What do they tell you about yourself?
an invitation to disrupt your digital habits
When eating your meals, set the conscious habit to have a conversation with someone, spend time with yourself, or eat outside. Avoid eating while looking at a screen.
Try this experiment
Each week we invite you and others from our community to run this experiment together. Learn from and support each other to realise 1% gains in your digital life.
It's free!
Accept the challengeUntil next week,
— Jonathan
Founder of Mind over Tech